- - . KIKKA: La Izquierda ¡vive!


martes, 26 de diciembre de 2006

La Izquierda ¡vive!

Con todo respeto
pero, No será que Mister Magú ¿ya está chocheando? ...es pregunta


2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for your comment: you are right! Mexico does have many other beatiful beaches: I have been to many of them and they are far better than Acapulco... To be honest my Mom lives here, you know.

    As for your post, you are right: the left is there but it does need to be organized, badly.


    P. S.
    thank you for the welcome: I do appreciate your country as I was born and live here!

  2. Yo creo que hay izquierda para rato, y no sólo desde el PRD sino desde todos los movimientos sociales que reclaman democracia y justicia social.


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