- - . KIKKA: VENUS ANGELIC PEINADO "SAILOR MOON" video fotos humana de carne y hueso


domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

VENUS ANGELIC PEINADO "SAILOR MOON" video fotos humana de carne y hueso

PEINADO SAILOR MOON video fotos barbie humana de carne y hueso
MÉXICO.- Es tal la fama de Venus, que la londinense de 15 años decidió subir al canal de videos de You Tube varios materiales en los que enseña a sus seguidoras a arreglarse y a maquillarse como auténticas muñecas de carne y hueso. "Alguna gente me preguntaba: '¿Cómo te maquillas?' y decidí subir los tutoriales a You Tube", declaró la joven, quien adquirió su moda cuando radicó por algún tiempo en Japón. Las barbies humanas siguen sorprendiendo a propios extraños, primero fue Rose y ahora es Venus Angelic, quien luce como una auténtica muñeca de animé, llegando a ser comparada con Sailor Moon, un personaje creado por el japonés Naoko Takeuchi

Hello my iced chocolate cherry blossom tornado squirrels!

This hairstyle is inspired by the heroin of the japanese anime sailor moon.
It consists of two buns (odango) and twin tails and is easy to adapt to any style depending on what kind of accessories you are going to wear. Let's start! First of all, brush your hair and make sure there are no knots. If you have bangs, I would part them from the rest of your hair. Now part your hair in the middle and make two high pigtail.
Tilting your head to the side makes it much easier.

These are clip-in extensions with silicon inserts, so they don't damage hair! Also make sure your hair and the extension are the same colour tone! Flip a pigtail and clip depending on the volume three to five extensions in. Now backcomb your pigtail and twist it around. You don't have to backcomb it a lot, just enough to create a fluffy bun. Then fix it with a bobby pin. Shape and adapt the pigtail to make it look like a ball. Then just repeat that with the other side of your head and there you have the Sailor Moon Hairstyle! Now you can add cute hair clips or scrunchies to your odango to complete the style!
Have fun styling your hair and see you in my next video!

Music by Kevin MacLeod: Bright Wish, Heartwarming and Midday.
And a thank you to hm4ugk on flickr for letting me use the sailor moon picture! ♥



2 comentarios:

  1. es superrr linda jujuju genial, pero hay ptra chica de 6 años que de parece a una kelly se llama eden wood buscala


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